Happy Birthday Quotes for a Friend On Wishes and Success

These happy birthday wishes and messages can easily be sent via text to keep the friendship connection active!

What better way to show your best friend on their big day what an amazing gift they are to you than with words to make them feel equally loved and appreciated!

Below is our collection of inspirational and special happy birthday quotes, happy birthday wishes, and happy birthday sayings, collected from a variety of sources over the years.

1. “Birthdays come around every year, but friends like you only come once in a lifetime. I’m so glad you came into my life. Best wishes on your special day.”

2. “I am grateful for your true friendship. Hope your birthday is amazing as you are my best friend!”

3. “I promise that the more birthday candles you blow, the more I will be here for you to celebrate every special event in your life. Happy birthday!”

4. “I hope your birthday is as sweet as the cake. And the year to follow is filled with as much joy as you bring your friends!”

5. “I feel so lucky to have you as my friend. Hope your birthday is as special as you are. May all of your dreams come true. Thanks for being such a great friend. Happy birthday for my friend!”

6. “Happy birthday my dear friend, may the bright colors paint your life and you be happy forever. Stay blessed.”

7. “To the best friend I have ever known, here’s wishing you a joy-filled birthday with memories galore!”

8. “Another year, another challenge my friend. But, you need to always remember to keep smiling and have a positive outlook on life, and everything is going to be fine. Happy Birthday!”

9. “Best friends are hard to come by. That’s why on this special day I wanted to let you know just how much your friendship means to me. Happy birthday my friend!”

10. “Never think you are alone, I am always there for all your fixes. Happy birthday.”

11. “I wish you love, hope and everlasting joy and happiness. Thank you for being my best friend!”

12. “Happy birthday to one of the nicest people I have ever met. May this year be even more wonderful and blessed.”

13. “Happy Birthday to my amazing, beautiful, and fabulous best friend.”

14. “The best gift is the gift of friendship. So, that is what I got you for your birthday! Don’t worry… I got you a real present too.”

15. “I am looking forward to many more years of friendship and birthdays with you. Have a fantastic birthday!”

16. “When nothing goes right, I go to you. You’re my go-to person at every hour. Happy birthday.”

17. “Here’s wishing you a birthday filled with blessings: the gold at the end of the rainbow, many four-leafed clovers, and the love of a good family. Happy birthday!”

18. “For many people, the word friend is just a sequence of letters. For me, it is the source of happiness and strength because of you. Happy Birthday, buddy!”

19. “I didn’t know it at the time, but the day you were born would be one of the best days of my life! Happy Birthday to my best friend!”

20. “Today it is time to tell you that I have forgotten when you became family to me. Happy birthday, my dearest friend!”

Did you enjoy these happy birthday quotes? Which of the quotes was your favorite? We would love to hear all about it in the comment section below.



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