Sibling Quotes Celebrating Brothers and Sisters

Siblings are those special people who know you like no other, and these siblings quotes will inspire you to appreciate those people who have known you since the time you could crawl. If this meaningful collection of quotes about siblings speaks to you, share it with those special people it reminds you of so they can get a smile from it, too.

Though it can be complex, the bond with our brothers and sisters is often the longest-lasting. To celebrate it, below is our collection of inspirational, sweet, and loving sibling quotes, sibling sayings, and sibling proverbs, collected from a variety of sources over the years. Enjoy these quotes on sibling bond.

1. “The mildest, drowsiest sister has been known to turn tiger if her sibling is in trouble.” – Clara Ortega

2. “Our siblings push buttons that cast us in roles we felt sure we had let go of long ago – the baby, the peacekeeper, the caretaker, the avoider…It doesn’t seem to matter how much time has elapsed or how far we’ve traveled.” – Jane Mersky Leder

3. “Brother and sister, together as friends, ready to face whatever life sends. Joy and laughter or tears and strife, holding hands tightly as we dance through life.” – Suzie Huitt

4. “Children of the same family, the same blood, with the same first associations and habits, have some means of enjoyment in their power, which no subsequent connections can supply.” – Jane Austen

5. “Brothers and sisters can say things to one another that no one else can.” – Gregory E. Lang

6. “They say that no matter how old you become, when you are with your siblings, you revert back to childhood.” – Karen White

7. “A bond as important as that of a husband and wife, is the bond between siblings.” – Lee Dong-Wook

8. “Sibling relationships…outlast marriages, survive the death of parents, resurface after quarrels that would sink any friendship. They flourish in a thousand incarnations of closeness and distance, warmth, loyalty and distrust.” – Erica E. Goode

9. “Be nice to your siblings, they’re your best link to your past and the most likely to stay with you in the future.” – Baz Lurhmann

10. “Our brothers and sisters are there with us from the dawn of our personal stories to the inevitable dusk.” – Susan Scarf Merrell

11. “A sibling may be the keeper of one’s identity, the only person with the keys to one’s unfettered, more fundamental self.” – Marian Sandmaier

12. “Having lots of siblings is like having built-in best friends.” – Kim Kardashian

13. “Siblings are the people we practice on, the people who teach us about fairness and cooperation and kindness and caring – quite often the hard way.” – Pamela Dugdale

14. “Brothers and sisters are as close as hands and feet.” – Vietnamese Proverb

15. “There’s no other love like the love for a brother. There’s no other love like the love from a brother.” – Terri Guillemets

16. “If you have a brother or sister, tell them you love them every day-that’s the most beautiful thing. I told my sister how much I loved her every day. That’s the only reason I’m OK right now.” – Amaury Nolasco

17. “Sweet is the voice of a sister in the season of sorrow, and wise is the counsel of those who love us.” – Benjamin Disraeli

18. “Whatever you do they will love you; even if they don’t love you they are connected to you till you die. You can be boring and tedious with sisters, whereas you have to put on a good face with friends.” – Deborah Moggach

19. “Power, that’s one thing, but love of family and of siblings is more important, is more powerful than any other power – at least earthly power, at least earthly power.” – Sander Levin

20. “To have a loving relationship with a sister is not simply to have a buddy or a confident… it is to have a soulmate for life.” – Victoria Secunda

Which of these sibling quotes resonated with you best? Do you have any other favorite quotes to add to the list? Tell us in the comment section below. We would love to hear all about it.


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